Categoria: Jenny Fry

Why Die for Wi-Fi? My Child Did – Will Yours?

[via Dave Ashton – Facebook page “UK Electrosensitives”]

3 May 2016 – “”

Why die for Wi-Fi? My child did – will yours?
by Debra Fry, posted 3 May 2016

On the 11th of June 2015, my 15 year old daughter, Jenny Fry was found by me, hanged in woods near our home in Oxfordshire, UK .

She was utterly exhausted; instead of receiving sympathy and understanding, she was battling the school for giving her detentions and refusing to acknowledge her difficulty around wifi, which had a profound effect on her ability to concentrate, write, explain things, and function in school.

I went into the school on several occassions to try to educate them on the health dangers to all pupils and staff, as well as the effect it was having on Jenny, but I was told that for as many reports that there are showing harm, there are as many available online saying that wifi is safe (although I have not seen any saying this).

The head teacher did say he would double check; I left him a list of information – reports and websites – to check. He also said he could not turn off the wifi for one child; I said it was not just for Jenny, but it would be healthier for everyone.

I even had a heated exchange with a member of staff, saying that Jenny is allergic to wifi.

It’s the same as a peanut allergy – you would not leave peanuts all around the school, so why expose her to wifi? Knowing that it will cause her problems?

They refused to let me measure with my electrosmog meter to find safer, more comfortable areas for Jenny to work in. And they told me off for taking readings at a parents’ evening.

I also contacted the Governors of the school, the local Education Department, the Radiation Advisor used by them, the Chief Scientific Officer, the Chief Medical Officer, the National Radiological Protection board, the Health Protection Agency, Public Health England, and my MP and GPs.

Jenny was an intelligent child who had a great thirst for knowledge, and her education was very important to her. She wanted to put it to good use, and somehow help humanity, as a doctor, exploring the world.

At age 6, she wanted to know how the moon stays up in the sky, and everything about the universe.

She flew through school with no problems until the wifi was fitted in Chipping Norton senior school in November 2012, and for a few months at home.

Jenny was very popular and liked by her peers, and befriended children of all abilities and backgrounds.

She was highly organised and self motivated. She did not have to be asked to do her homework .

She was my wounderful, beautiful, thriving, happy, healthy, helpful, caring, sensitive daughter, until she was exposed to wifi, which emits pulsing microwave radiation, when her physical health began to crumble.

Her death was totally preventable, if I had been listened to earlier.

Her symptoms : headaches, fatigue, joint pains, sleep problems, skin irritation, rash, anaemia, menstrual cycle disruption, heart flutters, difficulty concentrating, temperature control, urine urgency, overwhelming sense of needing to leave some classrooms at school.

She had a really bad nose bleed at home while she was doing home work on her wifi laptop; she came down stairs saying “please help me, I cannot stop my nose bleeding and I have not knocked it.” As a nurse, even I had a job to stop it.

We were both so concerned that I looked up nosebleed / wifi online, and was totally shocked at what I found; the more I researched, the more evidence I found from doctors and scientists saying that wifi was not safe for children, just as mobile phones were not.

I was in the back garden on a sunny day, trying to find a school without wifi and continuing my research into the health effects, using a wifi laptop, when I realised – wow this technology is amazing; it’s coming through brick walls, just like xrays.

This was the moment I realised how dangerous this stuff could be. But at the time I thought that I was trying to save her from future cancer, future fertility problems, as well as the list of symptoms above.

We immediately switched off the wifi at home and fitted ethernet cables, which helped Jenny to sleep, and helped some of her symptoms to go or improve. However, at school, some would return, or be triggered and exacerbated by their Rukus Zoneflex 7982 wifi.

I was also unknowingly affected by the wifi, having a racing heart, sharp pains in my eyes, and tinnitus, which I had just put down to my age, only to be shocked when I realised they had all gone after we had switched the wifi off for Jenny.

I felt so energised, as it confirmed my diagnosis was right for Jenny – having previously tried new lined curtains, a new mattress, visits to GPs and dentists, but all to no avail.

I could not find a school without wifi. I offered to let her stay and work at home, but she was in the middle of her GCSEs, and wanted to be with her friends.

So I tried again to get the wifi switched off at her school, but although I was now being listened to by someone in high office, it was too late for Jenny.

I miss Jenny everyday, and will spend the rest of my life trying to get justice for her, and campaigning to raise awareness of the health hazards from wifi / microwave radiation exposure, which should never have been put anywhere near our children.

I hope to help her to achieve her dreams of helping humanity, by telling her tragic – but totally preventable – story.

So please join the fight to protect our remaining precious children from wifi – before its too late. Prevention is better than cure.

How? Reduce the tsunami of wifi invading their lives. Switch off wifi in schools, homes and hospitals, and provide wired ethernet access to the internet.

Debra Fry

For further information:

Interview with Debra Fry – Boil The Frog Slowly

International Scientist Appeal on Electromagnetic Fields, Martin Blank, PhD

Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe – Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children 2014

Mother claims wifi allergy killed her daughter and accuses school of failing to safeguard children

Erica Mallery-Blythe, MD at the Commonwealth Club of CA, June 22, 2015 – SSITA (1st video dedicated to Jenny)

Environmental Health Trust

Dr. Magda Havas: WiFi in Schools is Safe. True or False?

Coroner records narrative verdict on death of 15-year-old schoolgirl Jenny Fry – Cotswold Journal

Wired Child

Mother claims wifi allergy killed her daughter and accuses school of failing to safeguard children

Open letter to GP and other Medical Colleagues -Electrosensitivity / Electromagnetic Sensitivity, by Dr Andrew Tresidder

School wi-fi led to death of my daughter, says mother – ITV News

Health concerns over Wi-Fi technology exposure in schools – Fox 5

Schools struggling in face of rise in mental health and cyberbullying issues in young people, report finds

Experiments with Cress [and Wi-Fi] in 9th Grade attracts international attention [Denmark] – Mast Sanity

Mental health crisis in schools – Times

Wifi kids

Why we should all switch back to ethernet cables: Wireless internet poses serious chronic health risks

EMF Wise

“School Wi-Fi led to the death of my child” says mother

11 March 2016 – “Safe Tech For Schools

A teenager committed suicide after her wireless sensitivity was not adequately dealt with by the school. News Report from December 2015.


4 dicembre 2015 – “”, di 

Morire a 15 anni perché elettrosensibile, questa è la storia incredibile di Jenny Fry , una ragazza come tante altre , come tua figlia ,tua nipote o semplicemente come una tua amica , raccontata dall’articolo del dailymail (leggi QUI l’articolo in lingua inglese), e questo è solo l’apice di un problema che sta diventando sempre più frequente anche qui in Italia tra gli adolescenti che frequentano i licei (fino a qualche anno fa era limitato agli studenti universitari) perché oggi valutiamo le scuole per le loro connessioni internet non per i loro programmi o capacità.


La notizia è di qualche giorno, ci siamo presi del tempo per verificare la veridicità di tale informazione, che ci è stata confermata dall’Associazione Eletttrosensibili

L’ elettrosensibilità è una malattia, una sindrome immuno-tossica che compromette diverse funzioni dell’organismo, nel caso di Jenny ha dato problemi alla vescica , stanchezza cronica e mal di testa  (immaginatevi di essere celiaci e di essere costretti a mangiare sempre e tutto a base di glutine), ancora oggi , non viene riconosciuta (anche se qualche tribunale afferma il contrario) e qualche paese in Europa (Francia e Svezia) hanno adottato leggi più cautelative delle nostre ,

Ma noi abitiamo in un paese dove la stampa è più preoccupata delle interferenze che possono generare le luci degli alberi di natale agli effetti generati dalle reti WI-FI, non ci stupiamo quindi come questa notizia venga coperta mediaticamente.

Si proprio il Wi-Fi , ultimo ritrovato della nostra società, che ci permette di essere connessi sempre e ovunque (ma poi per quale ragione !!), abbiamo immesso nella nostra società una tecnologia senza nemmeno porci il ben che minimo dubbio se facesse male o no, prendendo per scontato che le alte frequenze , come le basse , essendo non ionizzanti non fanno male.

A questo si aggiunge l’ignoranza di molti , qualcuno in buona fede e qualcun altro magari mascherando un conflitto d’interessi, non si fanno scrupolo di arrecare danni ai malati con i loro comportamenti scriteriati assumendo posizioni quasi “medioevali”.

Le emissioni Wireless, costituite da microonde, danneggiano l’organismo anche di chi non è in grado di percepirne gli effetti dannosi, proprio come succede se accendiamo un forno a microonde, visto che entrambi i dispositivi hanno le stesse frequenze di funzionamento  ovvero operano sulla banda di frequenza pari a 2,4 Ghz. con la differenza che il  forno ( che è schermato solo sul vetro ) serve a cuocere i cibi, il Wi-Fi a connetterci ad internet , ma la domanda che sorge è : cosa succede al nostro organismo ?

Ammettere la pericolosità significherebbe ammettere che i Campi Elettromagnetici in alta e bassa frequenza (tradotto antenne radio base , Wi-Fi , cellulari , elettrodotti ecc…) sono in grado di arrecare danni all’organismo e questo causerebbe un problema politico ed economico enorme, e allora, per molti  è  meglio stare in silenzio negando anche l’evidenza, far soffrire “l’altro”, sempre che l’altro un giorno non si trasformi in te stesso o in tuo figlio o qualche tuo parente o amico, perché allora l’egoismo personale che ha regolato il tuo stile di vita muta drasticamente.
Crediamo che si possa vivere in modo differente dal modo attuale, senza necessariamente abbandonare tale tecnologia, e per chi è preoccupato degli effetti delle luci di natale consigliamo di non accenderle quando è connesso così come consigliamo vivamente di spegnere il WI-FI quando non lo si usa.
Alla famiglia di Jenny va la nostra solidarietà e la nostra vicinanza come va a tutti gli elettrosensibili che devono vivere nascosti perché frutto di un effetto indesiderato di una tecnologia imposta che a ben guardare, forse, non ci serve e la verità forse è troppo scomoda ( leggi QUI l’articolo di  microwavenews in lingua inglese)



30 novembre 2015 – “”

Si toglie la vita a soli 15 anni a causa di una rara allergia. Jenny Fry, una studentessa inglese, si è impiccata dopo aver scoperto di essere allergica al wifi a causa della sua elettrosensibilità.

La mattina della morte, come riporta il Mirror, aveva mandato un messaggio a un suo amico dicendo che non sarebbe andata a scuola, poi il tragico ritrovamento.

Dal 2012 aveva iniziato a soffrire di cefalea, stanchezza paralizzante e altri sintomi della sua allergia. La sua vita era cambiata e anche il semplice andare a scuola era diventato problematico. «Non penso che volesse togliersi la vita», ha raccontato la madre, «si sentiva frustrata ed esasperata e ha commesso un drammatico errore».


Jenny Fry, allergica al wi-fi, si impicca a 15 anni

1 dicembre 2015 – “”, di redazione Blitz

LONDRA – Si suicida a 15 anni perché allergica al wi-fi. Una allergia che le rendeva impossibile frequentare regolarmente la scuola. La connessione wirelles ad internet, infatti, alla ragazza, Jenny Fry, inglese, procurava terribili mal di testa e una continua stanchezza.

Di questa allergia soffre anche la madre, Debra, che adesso, intervistata dal tabloid britannico The Mirror, accusa la scuola: “Loro sapevano dell‘allergia di Jenny. Noi stavamo benissimo in casa, dove avevamo tolto il wi-fi. Ma quando lei andava a scuola riprendeva a stare male. Ne avevo parlato con i suoi insegnanti, ma loro mi avevano detto che c’erano tante prove dell’esistenza di danni da wi-fi quante ve ne erano del fatto che non fosse affatto nocivo”.

Erano ormai tre anni che Jenny stava male per questa allergia, che aveva modificato completamente la sua vita. “Non penso che volesse togliersi la vita”, ha detto la madre al Mirror, “si sentiva frustrata ed esasperata e ha commesso un drammatico errore”.

Ma qualche giorno fa Jenny ha mandato un sms ad un amico, dicendo che quel giorno non sarebbe andata a scuola. Poi è andata in un parco non distante da casa, a Chaldington Oxon, e si è impiccata ad un albero.



Una joven se quita la vida debido a las alergias que le producían las ondas del WiFi de su instituto

La exposición de las ondas provocaron a Jenny Fry, una joven de 15 años, cansancio, dolor de cabeza y problemas de vejiga


2 diciembre 2015 – “”

Jenny Fry tomó una cruel decisión. Se quitó la vida porque ya no soportaba más las reacciones alérgicas que le estaban provocando las ondas del WiFi de su centro escolar. El cuerpo sin vida de esta joven de 15 años fue encontrado ahorcado en una zona boscosa próxima a su casa, en la localidad de Chadlington, en Reino Unido.

Jenny, que estudiaba en la escuela Chipping Norton, de Oxfordshire, padecía el síndrome de hipersensibilidad electromagnética. Ante tal patología, los padres advirtieron al centro de que la exposición de su hija a las ondas le provocaba cansancio, dolor de cabeza y problema de vejiga, según confirma el ‘Daily Mail’.

Debra, la madre de la joven, aseguraba que cada vez que su hija ponía pie en el centro era un tormento. De ahí que buscara zonas donde podía estar totalmente tranquila lejos de las ondas del WiFi. A pesar de estos problemas, los padres han reconocido que no habían sometido a Jenny a un examen médico que determinara el porqué de la dolencia.

Jenny, antes de quitarse la vida, envió diferentes mensajes a amigos suyos que no pudieron evitar su muerte.


Mother claims wifi allergy killed her daughter and accuses school of failing to safeguard children

[==English version below==

Continua la copertura mediatica della triste vicenda di Jenny Fry, una ragazzina di 15 anni che si è tolta la vita a causa della estrema sofferenza provocatale dalla Elettrosensibilità, e questo ci porta a fare una serie di considerazioni.

La Elettrosensibilità, soprattutto nelle sue forme più gravi, è una malattia terribile che allo stato attuale non viene riconosciuta come tale e conseguentemente i malati non ricevono alcuna forma di assistenza ed aiuto.
A questo si aggiunge l’ignoranza dei più, che non si fanno scrupolo di arrecare danni ai malati con i loro comportamenti scriteriati.

E così succede che i vicini di casa lascino i loro router accesi 24 ore su 24 irradiando, oltre che il proprio appartamento, anche quelli attigui; o che in una scuola non vengano prese precauzioni per consentire ad un allievo Elettrosensibile di poter continuare a frequentare le lezioni.

Ma una cosa che sfugge a tantissima (troppa) gente, è che tutto questo non riguarda solo gli Elettrosensibili.
Le emissioni Wireless, costituite da microonde, danneggiano l’organismo anche di chi non è in grado di percepirne gli effetti dannosi.

E allora, a voler esaminare bene la questione, si configurano diversi tipi di reato quando qualcuno (vedi i casi di cui sopra del vicino di casa e della scuola – ma gli esempi potrebbero essere ben più numerosi) espone qualcun altro a ciò che l’OMS (tramite la IARC, Agenzia Internazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro) ha dichiarato essere un possibile cancerogeno per l’uomo (per la verità attualmente pure sottostimato nei suoi effetti dannosi).
Getto pericoloso di cose e lesioni personali con l’aggravante della reiterazione sono i primi che vengono alla mente.
Poi, nel caso degli Elettrosensibili, si configura pure il disturbo delle occupazioni o del riposo delle persone (Art. 659 c.p.).

Ma in questo strano mondo non sono i disturbatori ad essere allontanati o puniti, bensì gli Elettrosensibili a dover abbandonare le proprie abitazioni per smettere di stare male.

Voi direte, ad esempio nel caso dei vicini, “ma loro hanno il diritto di poter usare quegli strumenti”. Liberissimi di farlo, purché non invadano le altrui abitazioni!
Quando quelle emissioni varcano i muri perimetrali ed invadono massicciamente le abitazioni intorno, allora le cose non vanno più bene!

Si dice che la libertà di un individuo finisca dove inizia quella di un altro, ma in materia di Campi Elettromagnetici pare che si possa essere dei banditi e la prevaricazione regni sovrana.

Non sarebbe il momento di iniziare a regolamentare tutto questo?

Tornando alla Elettrosensibilità, non è in realtà solo una allergia, bensì una sindrome immuno-tossica che compromette diverse funzioni dell’organismo, portando nei casi gravi a livelli estremi di compromissione fisica.
Per rendere l’idea, immaginatevi di essere celiaci e di essere costretti ad ingoiare ogni giorno ingenti quantità di glutine.

Pensate che sareste in grado di sopravvivere a lungo?

E proprio questo si chiede agli Elettrosensibili: di esporsi ogni giorno a ciò che per loro è veleno.

Ma siccome a nessuno piace l’idea di soffrire ed infine morire, i malati di Elettrosensibilità sono costretti a rinunciare a tutte le loro attività, riducendosi spesso a vivere nell’isolamento più totale.

Senza un lavoro non si campa e comunque non è bello essere di peso ai propri familiari (sempre che li sia abbia!) nonché rinunciare a tutto ciò che la vita offre, così capita che qualcuno non regga al peso delle condizioni di vita cui è costretto e faccia la fine di Jenny Fry.

E’ accettabile che ciò avvenga, tra l’altro a causa di qualcosa che sta danneggiando la salute DI TUTTI?

La Elettrosensibilità è certamente una malattia scomoda e c’è tutto l’interesse a fare in modo che non venga riconosciuta.

Ammettere la sua esistenza significherebbe ammettere che i Campi Elettromagnetici in Alta Frequenza sono in grado di arrecare danni all’organismo e questo causerebbe un danno economico enorme a chi fa business con la tecnologia Wireless.

Ed è così che queste persone, grazie alle loro enormi possibilità economiche, fanno di tutto per frenare la presa di coscienza della popolazione riguardo ai rischi derivanti dall’uso estremo ed irragionevole di ogni sorta di gadget Wireless.

..E intanto c’è gente che continua ad ammalarsi, soffrire ed anche morire come Jenny Fry (quando non muore di cancro al cervello, leucemia o linfoma, ovviamente), mentre altra arricchisce i propri conti in banca.

Riposa in pace, Jenny Fry, sei nei nostri cuori.

[EN] – Thanks to Dave Ashton of the Facebook page “UK Electrosensitives” for his precious help.

The media coverage of the sad story of Jenny Fry, a 15 year old girl who took her own life because of the extreme suffering caused by EHS, is ongoing, and there are some important issues raised by this case.

EHS, especially in its most severe form, is a terrible disease that is generally not recognized as such, and consequently those who are affected do not get any form of assistance and help.
In addition to this, there is the ignorance of many people, who have no qualms about damaging EHS people with their obnoxious behavior.

As a result, neighbours leave their radiating Wi-Fi routers switched on 24/7, affecting not only their own homes, but also their neighbours’ homes; and in schools, no precautions are taken to allow Electrosensitive students to go on attending classes.

But a lot of people (too many) are missing the fact that this ever-present radiation doesn’t just affect EHS people.
Wireless emissions , consisting of radio and microwaves, also damage the bodies of those who are not able to perceive the damaging effects.

On examination, a crime is committed when someone (see the cases mentioned above about the neighbor and the school – but there are many other examples) exposes another person to what the the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC – part of WHO) has classified as a possible carcinogen to humans, though a number of scientists say that this classification actually underestimates the harmful effects.
The discharge of a dangerous toxin, and the personal injury aggravated by repeated exposure, come to mind.
Also, in the case of EHS people, the crime of disturbing their occupation or the rest of the people arises (Art. 659 of the penal Code: according to the Italian law).

But, in this weird world, it’s not the troublemakers who are held accountable and punished, but the EHS people, who sometimes have to flee from their homes in order to protect themselves.

You might say, regarding the neighbours, “but they have the right to use these technologies.” Yes, they are free to do so, as long as their radiation does not invade other people’s homes!
When these emissions cross the perimeter walls and penetrate the nearby homes, then things are very wrong!

It’s said that one person’s freedom ends where another’s begins, but it seems that in the matter of electromagnetic radiation, it is possible to be a criminal with impunity, and prevarication reigns supreme.

Isn’t it time to start regulating all of this?

Returning to EHS, it’s not just an allergy, but is an immuno-toxic syndrome compromising several body functions, and leading, in the most severe cases, to extreme levels of physical impairment.

As an example, imagine being celiac and being forced to swallow huge amounts of gluten every day.

Do you think you would be able to survive for long?

And this is what is asked of EHS people: to expose themselves every day to what is poisonous to them.

But since no one likes the idea of suffering and in the end dying, EHS sufferers are forced to give up all their activities, often being also forced to live in the most total social isolation.

It’s not possible to go on living without a job, and it is not nice being a burden to the family (if there is one!), or renouncing to what life has to offer, so some who cannot bear the weight of living in such a state end up the way Jenny Fry did.

Can we accept this happening, because of something that is damaging the health of EVERYONE?

EHS is certainly an inconvenient disease, and there are many interests ranged against it to prevent it from being recognised as real.

Admitting its existence would mean admitting that High Frequency Electromagnetic Fields can harm the body, and this would cause huge economic damage to those whose business is linked to wireless technology.

And so these people, thanks to their huge potential for profit, do anything they can to curb the awareness of the population about the risks related to the extreme and unreasonable use of any sorts of wireless gadgets.

… And in the meantime there are people who continue to fall ill, suffer and die as Jenny Fry did – if they don’t die of brain cancer, leukemia or lymphoma, of course – while the people who are linked to wireless technologies enrich their bank accounts.

Rest in peace, Jenny Fry, you’re in our hearts.]

Jenny Fry, 15, was found in woodland near her home in Chadlington

30 November, 2015 – “The Telegraph” (UK), by Lucy Clarke-Billings

Jenny Fry had been suffering from the rare condition electro-hypersensitivity (EHS)

The inquest heard Jenny Fry had been suffering from the rare condition electro-hypersensitivity (EHS) Photo: © Facebook/Newsteam


A mother claims a Wi-Fi allergy killed her daughter and is accusing an Oxfordshire school of failing to safeguard children against the physical effects of wireless technology, an inquest has heard.

Jenny Fry, 15, was found in woodland near her home in Chadlington, on June 11 this year after texting a friend telling her she would not be going to school and intended to kill herself.

An inquest heard the teenager was intelligent and organised but that her life had been made a misery due to the prolonged effects of a condition known as electro-hypersensitivity (EHS).

Jenny’s mother, Debra Fry, said her daughter suffered with tiredness, headaches and bladder problems as a direct result of wireless internet connections at Chipping Norton School.

"Wi-Fi and children do not mix. Much more research needs to be done into this because I believe that Wi-Fi killed my daughter,"
Mrs Fry, Jenny's mother

Mrs Fry told Oxfordshire Coroners’ Court that Jenny had started showing signs of EHS in November 2012 and that the closer she was to a wireless router, the worse she felt.

“Jenny was getting ill and so was I” said Mrs Fry. “I did some research and found how dangerous Wi-Fi could be so I had it taken out of the house.

“Both Jenny and I were fine at home but Jenny continued to be ill at school in certain areas.

Jenny Fry had been suffering from the rare condition electro-hypersensitivity (EHS)Jenny Fry  Photo: © Facebook/Newsteam

“She was receiving lots of detentions, not for being disruptive in class or misbehaving, but often because she used to take herself out of the classroom to find another where she was able to work. She took her schoolwork seriously.

“I took lots of information into school to show the headteacher, Simon Duffy, but he said there was equally the same information available claiming Wi-Fi was safe.

“I also had a heated exchange with teachers telling them Jenny was allergic to Wi-Fi and that it made no sense making her take detentions in rooms that were making her ill.”

The World Health Organisation does not characterise EHS as a medical diagnosis but does recognise the symptoms.

Grandmother spends £4,000 WiFi-proofing home

In a 2005 report, WHO concluded: “EHS is characterized by a variety of non-specific symptoms that differ from individual to individual. The symptoms are certainly real and can vary widely in their severity.

“Whatever its cause, EHS can be a disabling problem for the affected individual. EHS has no clear diagnostic criteria and there is no scientific basis to link EHS symptoms to EMF exposure.

“Further, EHS is not a medical diagnosis, nor is it clear that it represents a single medical problem.”

"I remember saying to the school 'if someone had a peanut allergy you wouldn't make them work surrounded by peanuts',"
Mrs Fry, Jenny's mother

The inquest also heard Jenny previously spoke of suicidal thoughts in November 2014 following the death of close friend Tom Boomer.

The family is now campaigning to raise awareness of EHS and how wireless technology can affect health. They hope to get the use of wireless technology in schools changed.

Mrs Fry said: “Jenny died after making a cry for help. She texted her friend saying she was intending to die but told her where she was.

“If she had intended to kill herself she wouldn’t have said where she was. Unfortunately the friend did not have her phone with her so never saw the message in time.

“Jenny left letters for us where she said she couldn’t cope with her allergies from wifi anymore.

“She left them for us in case things went too far but I don’t believe she wanted to die.

“She wanted to do well at school and go to university but she knew Wi-Fi was having a bad effect on her studies.

“It got to the stage where she would hide herself away in unused classrooms in the school to work just so she could escape the Wi-Fi.

“In the classroom she had a seating plan but if she was near where the router was she would suffer headaches and feel very hot and bothered.

“As soon as Jenny walked away from a router she felt instantly better so she was almost hunting out areas of the school which weren’t covered by Wi-Fi just to do her work.

“I remember saying to the school ‘if someone had a peanut allergy you wouldn’t make them work surrounded by peanuts’.

“Just because Wi-Fi is new and all around us doesn’t mean it is safe. Wi-Fi and children do not mix. Much more research needs to be done into this because I believe that Wi-Fi killed my daughter.”

Simon Duffy, headteacher of Chipping Norton School, said: “The safety of our students whilst they are in school is paramount and Jenny’s safety at school was just as important as anyone else’s.

“Just like many other public spaces, Chipping Norton School does have Wi-Fi installed to enable use to operate effectively.

“The governors are content that the installed equipment complies with the relevant regulations and will ensure this continues to be the case.”

Oxfordshire coroner Darren Salter recorded a narrative verdict but did not include the factors relating to EHS as he said there were no medical notes to prove Jenny did suffer from it.

Is EHS real?

‘Radiowave sickness’ was first named and described in 1932, with most of the early cases being discovered in military personnel.

In 2011, an American woman told of how she was forced to abandon her family farm in the state of Iowa and moved to Green Bank, West Virginia – a tiny village of 143 residents in the heart of the Allegheny Mountains.

Green Bank is part of the US Radio Quiet Zone, where wireless is banned across 13,000 sq miles (33,000 sq km) to prevent transmissions interfering with a number of radio telescopes in the area.

Diane Schou said the community enables her to escape symptoms such as red, itching skin, blurred vision and headaches.

However the condition is yet to be identified by official health bodies as a medical diagnosis. At present, there are no accepted research criteria other than ‘self-reported symptoms’, and for clinicians there is no case definition or clinical practice guideline.

Dr Jill Meara, Director of Public Health England’s (PHE) Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards, said: “Public Health England is aware that some people report that they have symptoms that are brought on or made worse by exposure to electro-magnetic fields (EMF), so-called electrical sensitivity.

“The overall scientific evidence does not support the suggestion that such exposure causes acute symptoms or that some people are able to detect radiofrequency fields. Nevertheless effective treatments need to be found for these symptoms.”

However in August this year, a French court ruled that electromagnetic hypersensitivity to mobile and wifi waves is a “serious handicap”, setting a legal precedent that lawyers say could lead to “thousands” of claims.

Although France does not recognise EHS as a medical problem, a court in Toulouse decided that claimant Marine Richard should be awarded £500 a month in disability allowance as she displayed “irrefutable clinical signs” of suffering from a syndrome linked to electromagnetic waves.

French courts had previously refused pay disability benefits to people who suffer from electromagnetic sensitivity, so after winning the case, Ms Richard said that her win was a ‘breakthrough’.



Parents of schoolgirl Jenny Fry are campaigning to have WiFi restricted in schools following her death

[Quanti altri ancora dovranno arrivare ad uccidersi pur di porre fine alle proprie sofferenze, prima che si prendano seri provvedimenti atti non solo a tutelare chi soffre di Elettrosensibilità (e dunque ha la vita distrutta dalla malattia), ma anche chi ancora non si è ammalato?
Perché dobbiamo ricordarci che la tecnologia Wireless è un possibile cancerogeno per l’uomo, in aggiunta in grado di causare un notevole stress ossidativo in praticamente tutti i soggetti esposti, cosa che provoca un invecchiamento accelerato.

Article shared on the Facebook page “UK Electrosensitives”/ Articolo condiviso sulla pagina Facebook “UK Electrosensitives”.]

25 November, 2015 – “Cotswold Journal (UK)”, by Vivien Mason

jenny camera.jpg-pwrt3
The parents of a 15-year-old schoolgirl who hanged herself in woods near her home in June this year say her school could have done more to listen to her cries for help.

Jenny Fry, a pupil at Chipping Norton School, was found by her mother, Debra Fry, hanging from a tree at Brooke Woods at 4.20pm on June 11.

The inquest at Oxfordshire Coroners’ Court on November 19 heard how Jenny, who was described as intelligent, non-judgemental and organised, had not been seen since leaving home to go to school on the morning of Thursday, June 11, although she did not get on her bus to school.
A police statement said at 9.36am and 10.05am she sent a text to a friend about her intentions and stating where she was. Her friend did not have her phone with her that day.

Now Mrs Fry and Jenny’s father, Charles Newman, say they will continue their campaign to have the dangers of WiFi in schools addressed.

During the inquest, Mrs Fry said Jenny had first started showing symptoms of electro-hypersensitivity (EHS) around November 2012, including tiredness, nausea, headaches and bladder problems. It was the time Jenny’s parents briefly had WiFi connected to their home and, said Mrs Fry, that Chipping Norton School had WiFi installed.

“Jenny was getting ill and so was I. I did some research and found how dangerous WiFi could be so I had it taken out of the house. Both Jenny and I were fine at home but Jenny continued to be ill at school in certain areas. She was receiving lots of detentions, not for being disruptive in class or misbehaving, but often because she used to take herself out of the classroom to find another where she was able to work. She took her schoolwork seriously.

“I took lots of information into school to show the headteacher, Simon Duffy, but he said there was equally the same information available claiming WiFi was safe. I also had a heated exchange with teachers telling them Jenny was allergic to WiFi and that it made no sense making her take detentions in rooms that were making her ill. The least they could do was allow her to take them in rooms where she felt able to concentrate, but they wouldn’t listen,” she said.
“I intend to carry on my campaign to highlight the dangers of WiFi. I am not against a bit of technology but I do feel schools should be aware that some children are going to be sensitive to it and reduce its use.

“I think some technology is very useful. I am glad I had a mobile phone with me when I found Jenny so I was able to ring for help.” Mrs Fry said a lot of countries are taking note of its dangers now. France and Germany have acted to remove WiFi in nursery schools and reduce its use elsewhere. A campaign to offset and reduce radiation exposure in schools has been endorsed by many professionals including Professor Jacqueline McGlade, executive director of the European Environment Agency and Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe, medical advisor for Electrosensitivity UK.

“I fully believe Jenny did not intend to take her own life. I think she was frustrated with school. She would not see a doctor but was seeing a counsellor at school who was helping her. She had not made any suggestions she was thinking of suicide and I believe it was a cry for help.”

Oxfordshire coroner Darren Salter said he was unable to rule out it was a possible cry for help because of the texts she sent to a friend.

He said there was not enough proof to suggest Jenny intended to take her own life and recorded a narrative verdict: “It can’t be demonstrated to the required standard of proof that it is certain she intended to take her own life.”

He also did not include the factors relating to EHS as he said there were no medical notes to prove Jenny did suffer from it.

EHS continues not be to recognised as a medical diagnosis in the UK.

She said the problem she is facing is getting UK GPs to recognise EHS. She is also directing people to websites dedicated to radiation sensitivity. They include (Safe Schools Information Technology Alliance) where there is a section in ‘videos’ by Dr Mallery-Blythe. There is also and

